Abigail Kelhoge (Mistress)

Mistress of the Laurel – 8/24/2019
Companion of the Fleur d’Aethlmearc – 5/6/2017
Companion of the Sycamore – 6/27/2015
Award of Arms – 6/27/2015
Companion of the Broche – 7/9/2016
Golden Escarbuncle – 10/28/2017

Achillia Narcissa Octavia (Lady)
(Achillia Narcissa Octavia Africana, Octavia of Thescorre)

Companion of the Golden Alce – 9/20/2014
Award of Arms – 9/11/2010
Companion of the Golden Thorn – 3/13/0213
Sigil of Aethelmearc – 4/20/2013
Companion of The Black Talon – 8/6/2012

Adelais Berengar (Lady)

Arms: Gules, a palm tree couped argent within a bordure argent crusily azure

Award of Arms (East Kingdom) – 2/6/1993
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 7/10/1993


Adelheid Grünewalderin (Lady)

Arms: Vert, on a cheif argent a martlet azure

Companion of the Keystone – 2/11/2017
Award of Arms – 9/11/2010
Raven’s Feather – 2/22/2014

Adren cú Faol (THL)

Arms: Per chevron pean and Or, in base a wolf sejant ululant sable

Companion of the Sycamore – 12/1/1990
Companion of the Keystone – 11/16/1991
Companion of the Silver Crescent (East Kingdom) – 1/12/1991
Companion of the Maunche (East Kingdom) – 1/11/1992
Award of Arms – 7/20/1985
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 7/8/1989

Aegis of Thescorre

Award of Arms – 04/06/2024
Companion of the Silver Alce – 03/28/2020

Aelfwin Lee of Whitby (Lady) – Expat

Award of Arms – 7/10/1993

Aelis Helene of Hengandrode (Lady) – Memorial Roll

Aine O’Muirghesan – Expat


Alessandra Bentivegna da Faenza (THL)
(called Yasmina)

Arms: Per pale purpure and vert, a fan within an orle of mullets of four points Or.
Companion of the White Scarf – 8/7/2007
Companion of the Millrind – 6/28/2008
Companion of the Keystone – 7/11/1998
Companion of the Golden Alce – 2/21/2004
Companion of the Sycamore – 9/24/2005
Award of Arms (East) – 5/26/1995
Award of Arms (Æthelmearc) – 4/20/1996
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 5/26/1996
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 4/22/2006
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 9/20/2008
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 4/26/1997
Companion of the Black Talon – 8/14/2006
Companion of the Broche – 2/27/2010

Alessandro Devereaux – Expat

Alina Marie de Valenciennes (Maistresse)

Arms: Per bend gules and sable, a bend between a sun in its splendor and a lion’s head cabossed all within a bordure Or.

Mistress of the Pelican – 7/06/2019
Companion of the Millrind – 3/26/2011
Companion of the Keystone – 7/10/1999
Award of Arms – 7/11/1998
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 4/25/1998

Alison of the Many Isles (Baroness Mistress)

Arms: Per bend argent and azure, a thistle, slipped and leaved, proper and a needle bendwise, threaded and eye to chief, argent.

Mistress of the Laurel (w/Patent of Arms) – 10/04/1997
Mistress of the Pelican – 8/11/2010
Companion of the Millrind – 3/15/2008
Baroness of the Court – 8/13/2001
Companion of the Sycamore – 6/01/1991
Companion of the Keystone – 7/10/1993
Companion of the Maunche (East) – 2/11/1995
Award of Arms – 9/23/1989
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 7/13/1990
Companion of the Broche – 2/4/2012

Alric Bowbreaker of the High March – Expat

Amelot Noisete (Noble)


Arms: Per pale azure and vert, a hazelnut tree fructed and eradicated and in chief three escarbuncles Or.


Award of Arms – 07/06/2019
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/29/2020
Order of the Broche – 02/27/2021

Andrew Corwinsson

Companion of the Silver Buccle – 02/05/1994

Andriu mac Domhnaill (Lord)
(Andrew of Thescorre)

Arms: Argent, a flame issuant from base gules, on a chief purpure three cauldrons argent.

10th Baron of Thescorre – 07/09/2022 – Current Landed Baron
Companion of the Fleur d’Æthelmearc w/Grant of Arms – 07/09/2022
Companion of the Millrind – 7/8/2023
Companion of the Keystone – 02/16/2013
Companion of the Golden Alce – 06/27/2015
Award of Arms – 11/13/2010
Golden Escarbuncle – 11/09/2019
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/04/2012
Companion of the Broche – 07/08/2017
Companion of the Black Talon – 06/27/2015

Angelique de Beauvais – Expat
(Angelik Chastellain de Beauvais)

Angus Bull (Sir)
(Angus the Bull)

Arms: Per fess sable and argent, a goat’s head erased between three gates counterchanged.

Knight – 8/10/2023
Companion of the Gage – 09/30/2017
Companion of the Millrind – 7/8/2023
Companion of the Golden Alce – 09/30/2000
Companion of the Keystone – 07/09/2022
Award of Arms – 06/20/1998
Companion of the Golden Thorn – 9/16/2023
Order of the Black Talon – 07/04/2020
Order of the Raven’s Feather – 02/26/2020

Anna Maria de Wittes (Lady)

Arms: Azure, in dexter chief a crescent argent and on a point pointed ployé Or an ankh sable.

Award of Arms – 04/12/2003
Companion of the Silver Buccle – 02/03/2001


Aquila d’Athos (Baron Sir)

Arms: Sable, on a pale ermine between two swords Or a pine tree eradicated proper.

Knight – 04/02/2016
7th Baron of Thescorre (Retired) – 07/10/2010
Companion of the Gage – 09/08/2001
Grant of Arms – 09/08/2001
Companion of the White Horn – 06/27/2009
Companion of the Millrind – 04/05/2019
Court Baron – 06/27/2015
Companion of the Golden Alce – 05/29/1993
Companion of the Keystone – 09/13/2008
Companion of the Sycamore – 06/27/2015
Companion of the Tygers Combatant (East) – 08/17/1995
Award of Arms – 01/11/1992
Companion of the Black Talon – 02/26/2005
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 06/30/2007
Award of Huginn – 02/26/2022

Arabella of Ardtayne Device
Arabella of Ardtayne (Lady) – Expat

(Arabella of Artane)


Arms: Argent, a hazel sprig fructed and leaved proper, on a chief raguly azure three butterflies argent.


Award of Arms (East) – 01/26/2008

Ardal of Antioch – Expat

 Arnbjorn Iodenhodi

Companion of the Silver Alce – 02/01/2020
Order of the Raven’s Feather – 07/04/2020

Arsalan Egesig (Lady)
(Arsalan Egiseg)

Companion of the Golden Alce – 12/14/2013
Award of Arms – 03/13/2013
Companion of the Golden Thorn – 03/13/2013
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 04/20/2013
Order of the Black Talon – 08/08/2017

Artemis Carver (Lord)

Award of Arms – 07/08/2000

Ash of Campbell (Lord)

Companion of the Golden Alce – 07/10/2010
Award of Arms – 09/24/2005
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 04/20/2013
Companion of the Black Talon – 02/16/2013

Astridr Brandsdottir (Lady)

Companion of the Keystone – 07/07/2001
Award of Arms – 08/16/1999
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/03/2001

Austin Chadyoyck of Normandy – Expat [Not on Æ OP]

Balatair Le Rodeur – Expat [Not on Æ OP]

Beatrijs van Cleef (Lady)
(Beautrice Hammeltoune, Beautrice de Hammeldone)

Arms: Barry azure and ermine.

Companion of the Keystone – 02/06/1999
Companion of the Sycamore – 07/10/1999
Award of Arms – 04/05/1997
Companion of the Cornelian – 07/07/2001
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 09/09/1995
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 04/22/2006
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/07/1998
Companion of the Broche – 02/26/2011

Bohemund von Griefshaven – Expat

Boudicca of Thescorre (Noble)

Award of Arms – 09/22/2018
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/23/2019
Order of the Black Talon – 02/29/2020

Branwyn ferch Gwythr (Duchess)
(Branwen ferch Gwythr)

Arms: Vert, on a pale sable fimbriated argent a tree eradicated Or, a chief argent.

9th Duchess of Æthelmearc – 04/20/2013
13th Countess of Æthelmearc – 09/20/2008
Patent of Arms – 09/20/2008
Lady of the Rose – 09/20/2008
Companion of the Fleur d’ Æthelmearc – 06/21/2014
Companion of the Keystone – 03/19/2005
Companion of the Sycamore – 02/27/2010
Companion of the Dragon’s Tooth (Middle) – 08/08/2008
Award of Arms – 02/02/2002
Companion of the Cornelian – 03/18/2006
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 04/22/2006
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 04/10/2010
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 07/23/2005
Companion of the Broche – 07/10/2010

Breneks Zemgale (Lord)

Companion of the Golden Alce w/AOA – 7/8/2023
Companion of the Black Talon – 8/8/2023 Thescorre

Bressal MacCulloch – Expat
(Bruce MacCulloch)

Bronwyn nic Gregor (Baroness)

Arms: Or, three cats sejant within a bordure sable.

7th Baroness of Thescorre (Retired) – 07/10/2010
Companion of the Fleur d’Æthelmearc – 07/10/2010
Companion of the Millrind – 09/24/2016
Grant of Arms – 07/10/2010
Court Baroness – 06/27/2015
Companion of the Sycamore – 12/05/1998
Companion of the Keystone – 06/28/2008
Companion of the Golden Alce – 07/06/2013
Award of Arms – 01/11/1992
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/28/2009
Companion of the Broche – 08/03/2015

Bryn ni MacRose (Mistress)
(Bryn of Thescorre)

Mistress of the Pelican – 07/09/2011
Companion of the Millrind – 07/08/2006
Companion of the Fleur d’Æthelmearc – 03/17/2007
Companion of the Keystone – 07/06/2002
Companion of the Sycamore – 09/13/2003
Award of Arms – 03/02/1996
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 09/20/2008
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/22/1997
Companion of the Broche – 02/24/2007
Hael Stone (Rhydderich Hael) – 09/17/2016
Companion of the Dragon’s Scale (Rhydderich Hael) – 08/24/2019

Cadifor Cynan (Lord)

Arms: Per fess wavy sable and Or, in pale a plate and a hurt.

Companion of the Keystone – 08/12/2003
Companion of the Sycamore – 02/25/2006
Award of Arms – 09/29/1998
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 09/29/1998
Companion of the Broche – 08/04/2008

Cairistiona Symon (Lady)

Award of Arms (Glenn Abhann) – 04/21/2006
Order of the Onyx Chalice (Glenn Abhann) – 04/21/2006
Order of the Raven’s Feather – 02/23/2019

Camillo Guinicelli – Expat to Atlantia

Carlo Gallucci (Lord)

Arms: Azure, on a bend Or between two roses argent barbed and seeded proper three roosters palewise vert.

Companion of the Sycamore – 02/25/2006
Companion of the Keystone – 10/06/2007
Award of Arms – 11/16/2002
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 07/10/2004
Companion of the Broche – 08/04/2008

Caryl Olesdatter Caryl Olesdatter (Countess)

Arms: Per bend vert and Or, two lyres counterchanged and for augmentation in chief a demi-escarbuncle argent.

Countess – 4/4/1998 (1st Countess of Æthelmearc)
Viscountess – 9/14/1996 (13th Viscountess of Æthelmearc)
Mistress of the Pelican – 2/13/2010
Patent of Arms – 9/14/1996
Lady of the Rose – 4/4/1998
Lady of the Garnet – 9/14/1996
Companion of the Millrind – 7/8/2006
Companion of the Keystone – 4/5/1997
Companion of the Sycamore – 2/13/1999
Award of Arms – 5/31/1992
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 3/25/1995
Companion of the Cornelian – 5/13/1995
Æthelmearc Award of Excellence – 11/11/2006
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 4/10/2010
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 2/6/2016
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 7/10/1993 Thescorre, Service
Companion of the Windmill – 5/3/1997 Delftwood, Service
Companion of the Silver Raindrop – 11/11/2006 Endless Hills, Reign Service
Companion of the Mistral – 2/11/2023 Delftwood, Spirit
Augmentation of Arms – 2/21/2004
Jewel of Æthelmearc – 1/9/2016 (40th)

Cathain inghen Bheth

Companion of the Keystone – 05/31/2003
Award of Arms – 07/23/2005

Cedric the Humble (Baron Master)

Arms: Per bend sinister azure and sable, a sheaf of three arrows within a bordure embattled argent.

Master of the Pelican – 08/15/2006
5th Baron of Thescorre (Retired) – 07/06/2002
Companion of the White Horn – 07/10/1999
Companion of the Scarlet Guard – 08/14/2001
Court Baron – 07/08/2006
Companion of the Golden Alce – 05/31/1992
Companion of the Keystone – 07/23/2005
Award of Arms – 06/01/1991
Companion of the Cornelian – 05/22/1993
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 07/13/1991
Companion of the Black Talon – 08/14/2006

Cerridwen Raventree (Lady)
(Hélène du Vent of Raventree)

Arms: Per chevron and sable and Or, in pale, a moon in her complement and a unicorn passant to sinister counterchanged.

Award of Arms (East) – 12/19/1981
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/07/1987


Cerridwen the Fiddler – Expat

Charles the Black (Lord)

Arms: Sable, a breastplate affronty between three flanged maces palewise, all within a bordure engrailed Or.

Companion of the Sycamore – 06/01/1991
Companion of the Golden Alce – 03/02/1996
Award of Arms (East) – 07/08/1989
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 02/02/1991

Chengir Abu ibn Said (Lord)

Companion of the Sycamore – 05/31/1992
Companion of the Keystone – 08/10/2005
Award of Arms (East) – 02/04/1984
Companion of the Ravens Feather – 12/10/1983

Ciaran Faxi Ullrson (Lord)

Companion of the Gage – 01/11/2003
Companion of the Golden Alce – 11/09/2002
Award of Arms – 05/20/2000
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 07/09/2016  [Not on Æ OP]
Companion of the Black Talon – 07/09/2016  [Not on Æ OP]

Ciaron Thorne (Lord)

Companion of the White Scarf (w/Grant of Arms) – 09/19/1998
Companion of the Golden Alce – 08/13/1997
Award of Arms – 08/13/1997

Cielia of Thescorre (Lady)

Award of Arms – 08/16/1999

Clarissa da Svizzera (Lady)

Arms: Argent fretty gules, on a goutte de sang a quill pen palewise argent.

Companion of the Silver Crescent (East) – 03/09/1996
Companion of the Keystone – 02/23/1991
Award of Arms (East) – 03/12/1988


Clelia Rhioghnach Gunn

Award of Arms – 07/10/1999

Coinneach Mac an Leigh (THL)

Arms: Gyronny of tend argent and azure, each gyron charged with an arrow point to center, all counterchanged.

Companion of the Fleur d’Æthelmearc – 7/8/2023
Companion of the Sycamore – 08/07/2008
Award of Arms – 05/14/1988
Companion of the Broche – 2/26/2022 Thescorre

Collette de Paris – Expat to Atlantia
(Khazima bint Hakim, Kazimiera von Kraus)

Corbinus de Cuvis (Lord)

Arms: Vert, on a bend azure fimbriated argent a flanged mace Or.

Companion of the Millrind – 08/24/2019
Companion of the Scarlet Battery – 11/11/2023
Companion of the Golden Alce – 06/21/2008
Companion of the Keystone – 04/10/2010
Award of Arms – 06/21/2008
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 09/11/2010
Companion of the Golden Thorn – 05/05/2012
Æthelmearc Award of Excellence – 04/20/2013
Sigil of Æthelmearc – 04/20/2013
Companion of the Millguard – 02/07/2009
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 07/07/2018

Corwin of Darkwater (Baron Master)

Arms: Per pale sable and Or, in fess two gouttes, on a base wavy, two barrulets wavy, all counterchanged.

Master of the Laurel (w/Patent of Arms) – 05/26/1996
Companion of the Sycamore – 06/01/1991
Companion of the Keystone – 07/10/1993
Companion of the Maunche (East) – 07/18/1992
Companion of the Silver Crescent (East) – 02/11/1995
Award of Arms – 07/14/1990
Companion of the Raven’s Feather – 07/13/1991

Cradoc Mendwr – Expat to Atlantia
(Caradawc Mendwr, Caradawc of Thescorre, Caradawc Cuin Treine)

Cruaddan an Cruach (THL) – Expat
(Crow, Raven Stormcrow)

Companion of the Gage – 10/09/1999
Grant of Arms – 10/09/1999
Companion of the Golden Alce – 05/18/1996
Award of Arms – 01/29/1994