
**Items in RED on this page are links that will take you off of the Thescorre website.**

Baronial Forms:

Application For Baronial Office – PDF
Application For Baronial Office – Word Doc

Reimbursement/Cash Advance:

*These forms can be used for any reimbursement or cash advances for Baronial supplies – for Events or Baronial Activities. Reimbursements/Cash advances MUST be approved by the Barony BEFORE any purchases are made. *

Reimbursement Form – Used by those running an event or activity, if they need to be repaid for any out-of-pocket expenses (after purchase of food or supplies), such as food or supplies.

Cash Advance Form – Used by those requesting funds ahead of an event or activity (prior to purchase of food or supplies), to be used for items purchased for an event or for supplies for a Baronial Activity.

Forms for Running Events:

Forms for Choosing the Site:

*The Preliminary Site Form below can be used by ANY member of the Barony who would like to explore a new site for consideration by the Barony. These are the BASIC needs, but not everything required for an event. *

Preliminary Site Form – Use this form for a preliminary checklist of items generally sought after for local sites. Print and fill out to keep for your records or share with the group. This is for vetting sites. NOT for a thorough walk-through of a site where you plan to have an event. For full site requirements, see the “Site Evaluation Form” below.

Site Evaluation Form – Use this form once you have narrowed down your site choices for an event. This should be used AFTER you have vetted your site with the above “Preliminary Site Form“.

Event Steward Forms:

Event Proposal Form – If you have an idea of what type of event you’d like to see the Barony have, you are always welcome to create an event bid using this form and present it to the Barony at one of our Business Meetings. Minimum requirements for an event bid to be considered are noted on the form. If you would like to know the current event schedule for the Barony, you can email our seneschal: seneschal AT thescorre DOT org.

Event Budget Report Form – This form is an addendum to the Event Proposal Form above and is used to create a detailed estimate of the cost of an event and should be presented to the Barony, along with the Event Proposal Form, for each event. This is helpful if there are questions regarding event costs and may help you resolve any concerns prior to a vote on your bid.

Event Report Form (Event Steward) – This form should be filled out by the Event Steward and submitted to the Seneschal after the event (generally by the next Business Meeting).
*For the Event Financial Report Form (to be filled out by the Exchequer within 30 days of the completion of the event) see the Æthelmearc Exchequer Page.

Insurance Certificate Ordering Instructions – This is an informational sheet and ordering criteria for the SCA’s insurance certificate. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY and speak to your site WELL IN ADVANCE of the event to be sure you have acquired the proper insurance certificate.

Roles and Responsibilities Checklist – Ever wondered what staff you need to run an event or what to ask of them? This is a great resource for an Event Steward to be sure their staff in on schedule and the event will run smoothly.

Event Steward Checklist – Every wonder how an event is put together? Want to know when certain tasks should be completed (insurance, deposits, bids, etc)? This is an excellent informational checklist for any Event Steward who wants to stay on schedule.

Tollner Forms:

Head Tollner Info Sheet – Have you been asked to be Head Tollner for an event? This informational packet covers everything a Head Tollner needs to know about how to run check-in for an event. However, if you have questions once you have read through this file, please feel free to contact our Exchequer with any concerns PRIOR to the event. They can be reached at: exchequer AT thescorre DOT org.

Blank Troll Sheets – This is a printable PDF of our Troll Sheets (blank check-in sheets). There are ten pages in the PDF, but feel free to print as many or as few as you feel you will need for your event.

Kingdom General Use Forms:

Name, Device, Badges, etc Forms:

If you would like to submit a Name, Device, or Badge (among other things), please see the link below for the most up to date forms and procedures:

Kingdom Herald

Heraldic Forms For Individuals:

Printable Name Submission Form

Fillable PDF of Name Submission Form

Printable Device Submission Form

Fillable PDF Device Submission Form

Marshal Forms:

For the most up to date Marshalate Forms (Fighting Auth, Marshal Auth, etc), please visit the link below:

Marshal Forms – ALL

Fighting Authorization Form:

Authorization Form

For Marshal Waivers (Rosters, Adult/Minor Consent, Medical, etc), please follow the link below:

Marshal Waivers – ALL

Release Forms:

Grant of Use Forms