Meeting Minutes 8-16-22

Thescorre Baronial Report

August 16, 2022 (7:45 via Zoom)

Senechal: Bronwyn nic Gregor


Officer Reports:

  1. Senechal (Term Jan. 1, even years), Bronwyn reporting (Nuzha, Deputy Seneschal): 
  2. Next Barony meeting scheduled for Sept 20, 2022
  3. For Reference
    1. Curias: 3.7 Baronial Curia 3.7.1 The Baronial Curia will meet three times a year in February, June, and October. The Curia meeting in each month will be the third Tuesday of the month and will correspond with the Business meeting. Next curia October meeting- Proposed changes need to be made 60 days in advance –Baronial Policy 
      1. Possible change to the 60 day advance for Curia.  Possible shortening time to allow for electronic dissemination of information on changes. Add an official line for sharing information and changes.
    2. Reports from Offices and Officers:  Even years, January 1: Chronicler, Captain of Archers, Pursuivant, Seneschal
    3. Senechal Reports to:
      1. Kingdom Senechal – Mistress Illadore de BedegrayneSeneschal
      2. Region 4 Deputy – Baroness Katryne of Bakestondon – ae.region4seneschal RGmail – [AE-Seneschals] Masks – yes for now 5 14 2021.pdfeporting Dates: Reporting Dates: February 15,  May 15,  August 15,  November 15


Baron Andriu & Baroness Nezha:

  1. We have outgrown N08.  Don’t want to damage relations with neighbors.  Options: 
    1. Baronial excellencies at singles camp
    2. Is there another location on the Serengeti with space?
    3. Would it be necessary to move to another location
    4. Pennsic L (50) is going to be a big event
  2. Picnic
    1. would like to reinstate the end of summer baronial picnic.  Bring own food and meet up in one place to hang out and discuss what is going on, (possibly at Sadira’s)
    2. We still have two Champions competitions that need be selected
      1. Bardic: Next Tuesday at 7 via Zoom
      2. Archery: This Sunday at the Castle.  See archery for details.
      3. 8/27 is 7 Pearls Tournament 
    3. Wilderwode is the Labor Day Weekend.  Baroness Nezha is being elevated to the Pelican (140 person limit)
    4. We need recommendations for awards.  Include details. There is even a form on the website.


Arts & Science (Term July 1, odd years) ; Orianna reporting:

  1. No new report


Chatelaine (Term Jan. 1, odd years) ; Gwen : 

  1. Chatelaine: we have had more interest percolating and even had a brand new person at Pennsic! 
  2. The Rochester Makers Faire in Early November. I just received an email calling for makers. I’d like to do the demo, if the Barony would like to do them! Date is Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 9:00am to 5:00pm.
  3.  Chatelaine report is filled!


Chatelaine Report Form ; Local Chatelain Reporting Dates: Feb., May, August, November.  Regional March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1. 

Demo Report Form


Chronicler, Katja: 


  1. Her Excellency Nuzah and I published the summer issue right before Pennsic. It is available at 
  2. I expect to publish the next one in early October. I am seeking verification about the several recent high school graduations and imminent college starts for a Milestones column. I welcome filk, articles, any other submissions for the Fewmet.


Chronicler Report Form


Gold Key ; Katja

Gold Key

  • Still communicating with a newcomer who borrowed lots of stuff for Pax, expect to have stuff returned this week.


Exchequer (Term July 1, odd years) ; Nikki reporting: 

  1. $3574.26 checking $4071.96 saving
  2. Pax: working on the event report for Pax because we don’t have SCARS report


Minister of Lists (Term Jan. 1, odd years) ; Vacant seeking applications

  1. Have not heard from AE minister
  2. Need to get together with Genevotte.


Pursuivant / Herald (Term, Jan. 1, even years) ; Kadlin:

  1. Quarterly Reports due: 2/15, 5/15, First Tuesday following Pennsic, 11/15
  2. Court at Pennsic: report forthcoming
  3. Thomas: voice and name herald deputy
  4. Court Report of the Barony of Thescorre:
Mistress Nuzha bint Saleem and Lord Andriú mac Domhnaill

July 9, AS 57 (2022)

Pax Interruptus

After opening the first Court of Their Excellencies Nuzha and Andriú, Ravenstongue Pursuivant Fridrikr Tomasson requested to step down from his post and presented Kadlin Sigvaldakona as his successor.  With the blessings of Nuzha and Andriú, Kadlin accepted the Baronial Herald’s tabard.

The Excellencies requested the presence of the Baronial Champions. After thanking them for their service under the previous Baron and Baroness, The Champions were then asked if they were willing to continue representing Thescorre as Champions, to which all agreed.

Their Excellencies called Lord Angus the Bull and Agnes von Zweibrucken before them. Both were commended for the extraordinary level of work they had displayed in organizing and putting together Pax Interruptus that day.  As recognition, both Angus and Agnes were presented with Raven’s Eggs.

The following gentles were asked to come before their Excellencies: Mistress Orianna Fridrikskona, Lord Torbjorn, Sir Dominic McMorland, and Baron Snorri.

Orianna reported there were 4 gentles that had entered the A&S competition: Baron Caleb Reynolds, Baroness Bronwyn nic Gregor, THL Thalia Papillon, and THL Eleanore Godwin. The winners of the competition by popular vote were: Baron Caleb Reynolds for his scroll blank for the Order of the Broche, THL Eleanore Godwin for the mini peg dolls for the Baronial Largess, and Baroness Bronwyn nic Gregor for the Kingdom medallions and pouches for the Kingdom Largess. All of the largess items and the donated scroll were delivered to Their Excellencies and Their Majesties after court.

Torbjorn named Daniel as winner of the Thrown Weapons tournament. The presented scroll was the combined efforts of Lord Angus for the words, calligraphy by Mistress Roberta McMorland, and illumination by Lady Nicole du Marais.

Sir Dominic commended Davin for his prowess on the field and declared him the winner of the day’s Heavy Weapons tournament. The presented scroll was the combined efforts of Lord Angus for the words, calligraphy by Mistress Roberta McMorland, and illumination by Lady Nicole du Marais.

Baron Snorri thanked all who attended the archery range that day and participated in the tournaments.  Gifts were presented to Simon Fjarfell as Best Youth Archer, Lord Bjarki as Best Period Archer, Duke Timothy of Arindale as Best Crossbowman, Aelfric the Kestrell as Best with Handbow, and Lord Dalibor Vilcekovsyn as Grand Champion Archer.

Their Excellencies asked THL Thalia and Baron Caleb Reynolds to come before them. Both were given the physical scrolls they had been awarded at the most recent Virtual College of Three Ravens.

Her Excellency Nuzha reminded those who had not collected a site token upon checking into Troll that day could collect one after court.

War Tokens were then presented and explained to the populace: a bangle with a mini raven-style plague mask that can be worn as a bracelet or bent to fit over a belt. Over Their term, Andriú and Nuzha will be giving out different tokens and encourage gentles to use the bangle to collect the entire set! 

There being no further business, Court was closed.

Respectfully and faithfully submitted,

Lady Kadlin Sigvaldakona

Ravenstongue Pursuivant



Steward (Term July 1, even years): 

  1. No report


Webminister/Historian ; Nuzha reporting: 


Westminster Reporting Dates: 1/15, 4/15, 7/15, 10/15




Going back to working on Google sites for all the groups and a new calendar so that all groups can update their own and it will sync with the website. This is a long way off, but I will be moving back to it.



  1. Nothing to report
  2. Social Media:
  3. Working on cross linking better so that everyone gets notifications properly. I will be reaching out to FB Group Admins.



  1. All Marshall Reporting Dates: 2/15, 5/15, 8/15 (all marshals must report, including at-large marshals), 11/5


Archery (Term Jan. 1, even years) ; Gwen, Captain of Archery: 


1.This coming Sunday, August 21nd, we will hold our Baronial Champs shoot for Archery Champion! 


Shooting will be from 12-2:30pm at the Castle out in Bergen (please DM or email for the address). 


Kingdom Covid protocols are still in effect. Loaner gear is available for use! 


We’ll also chat about upcoming practices for the fall! There will also be west side thrown practice running at the same time.  


West side thrown practice: will restart on 8/21 as well. Report has been done!



Fencing / Rapier (Term July 1, even years) ; Eric reporting: 

  1. Fencing Mondays at Highland Park (7:00)


Knight Marshall (Term Jan. 1, odd years) ; Angus Reporting:

  1. No report


Thrown Weapons Marshall (Term July 1, even years) ; Sir Aquila d’ Athos, Marshall:

  1. West Side Practice (Torbjorn) West Side Thrown Weapons This Sunday 12-2:30
  2. East Side Practice is Sundays with Athos as TWM.  
    1. Most Sundays 2:30-4:30. Check the email for confirmation or cancellation


Youth Fighting (Term       ) Andrew reporting: 

  1. Youth practice is happening weekly at the Veterans Memorial at Highland. We will be taking this week off due to life. Thescorre youth fighters were very active at Pennsic. Hjotor Sigvaldison (Kingdom and Baronial youth Champion) was recognized by the Queen of the Mid and Meridies for skill at the Youth Rose tournament. Ragnar inn roudi was also recognized for his prowess. They trained with many of the knights of the Known World. Arinbjorn attended many classes and volunteered at kingdom and family point.
  2. The kingdom is looking for more youth marshals.  You do not have to be a fighter or have a youth fighter, to be a youth marshal.



Chirurgeon, Nikki

  1. Nothing to report


Cooks Guild: Katja, reporting : 

Cooks Guild

  • Baked vigil cookies for Pennsic elevations
  • Sadira is coordinating goodies for Nuzah’s elevation at Wylderwood. Anyone who wants to donate foods to Nuzah’s reception, please contact her.


Drum and Dance:  

  1. No report.
  2. Local drum practice at Wednesdays Round House Shelter at Genesee Valley Park (6pm).  Look at email for more information.



  1. Working on AS scroll for 7 Pearl


Threadworkers: Genevote 

  1. No report

Old Business

  1. Pax:  still in progress
  2. Exchequer was given 400 pages of directions and is working on a handbook to make the job manageable.  She is creating checklists.  Would other officers like to start working on something similar?  It can take some of the stress and mystery out of the job. Working on:
    1.  Autocrat
    2. Planning events
    3. Finding sites
    4. Getting insurance

New Business:

For Reference: 

Documents of Interest:

Event Bid Form Regalia Bid 

Adult Roster Waiver

Adult and Minor Waivers

SCA Insurance Information

Thescorre Baronial Forms: Officer Applications, event proposals, Tollner, Heraldry, etc.