Winter Revel

December 28, 2019 @ 4:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Red Shield Hall
936 Exchange St
Rochester NY 14608

The Musicians of Thescorre Present a Winter Revel!

Come one and all to our winter revel and ball, with music, mirth dance and laughter we will chase away the end of days and make merry bright the cold winter night.

Our Master of Dance will lead an open workshop through various dances from 4-6pm.

The doors open wide and food and drink will flow at 6 of the clock.

**Bring a simple dish or beverage to share (please provide a list of ingredients with your dish) and add to the festivities.**

As the hour approaches 7 the Master of Revels will set the room in motion with dances for all.

Three setter of dances are planned…

The First Sette for those newish to Dance
From Arbeaus “Orchesography”

The Second Sette of Dances for those Undaunted
From Playfords Country Dances

The Third Sette of Dances for the brave of Heart
A Potpourri or “What you Will” until time runs out.

Not interested in dancing?
Never fear you are most welcome here,
Wassail, wassail and be of good cheer!

**NB, this is a gathering of those interested in learning about the music and dance of the Renaissance and not an official event.

***End time is approximate. We will dance and play until we are tired and wish to go home.